" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


My sister's lovely cat 我妹妹的可爱猫

我妹妹和它相处已有三年了,它名叫 "MoMo",我有时也会上她家去看看她的可爱猫猫。她的可爱猫猫不会说话,确会一直对我甜甜地笑微笑,我也喜欢望着它,在心里和它说话,即使不知它有否听懂,它可爱的笑也足以当作是回应。。。有时候那些的狗狗要是欺负她的猫猫我就叫我家的 "小黑" 练 "九阴排骨挠" 打败它们...嘻嘻...!

My sister and with it has been three years, and it called "MoMo", I sometimes at her home to see her lovely MoMo. She's lovely MoMo not speak, do I have to smile, I also like watching it, in his heart and say it, even if I do not know whether it has to understand it, it's lovely smile is enough as a response to . . . Sometimes those who bullied her dog if the MoMo I called my home, "blackly" practice "Jiu yin ribs torsion" to defeat them ... ... hee hee!

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