" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


How To Eat Hot Dog 热狗要怎么吃

这个时候,就想吃东西,突然脑海中就浮现了hot dog面包~ 纽约人在热狗面包上加洋葱芥末酱;芝加哥人加洋葱,番茄,切碎的小甜瓜,芥末酱和芹菜籽盐;堪萨斯人把酸菜和奶酪和热狗一起夹进芝麻面包里,新奥尔良人把煮烂的辣豆子浇上热狗;奥克拉荷马人则将热狗对半切了夹在吐司面包里。


This time, eat something, suddenly surfaced on the minds of bread to the hot dog in New York hot dogs and onion bread, mustard sauce; Chicago, plus onions, tomatoes, chopped small melon, mustard seed sauce and celery salt; Kansas People pickled cabbage and cheese and hot dogs into the folder with sesame bread, the people of New Orleans the spicy beans hot hot dogs; Oklahoma who will be hot dogs semi-cutting of the bread, caught in the “Tusi”.

Map shows, this is the first time I see that really “Bie you feng wei ”。。。

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