" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


F1 Will Be Launched In Singapore F1新加坡站即将展开

F1新加坡站即将展开,F1将在2008年迎来两条新赛道,分别是举办欧洲大奖赛的西班牙瓦伦西亚和举办新加坡大奖赛的新加坡。其中, F1新加坡站将是F1历史上首个夜间大奖赛。正当大家敲锣打鼓地迎来F1首个夜间赛事。
这城市将于2008年9月28日运用最先进的技术主办F1大赛。运用在赛车场的科技发展日新月异,在新加坡举行的首场夜间F1将看见新突破,先进的特制照明系统及数字旗号(DigiFlags)装置是其中两项在新加坡F1首次使用的创新技术,这也让新加坡成为世界上最先进的F1赛道之一。新加坡摩天轮(Singapore Flyer)高级看台将改建为更大型的一般看台,此外,滨海艺术中心路(Esplanade Drive)滨海艺术中心门外会加建Connaught看台。上述看台的3天套票售价为新加坡币698元,虽然该处的观众不会看到场内搭建的大型屏幕,但是会看到精彩的肉搏战场面。

F1 station will be launched in Singapore, F1 in 2008 will usher in two new tracks, namely the European Grand Prix held in Valencia, Spain and Singapore Grand Prix held in Singapore. One, F1 Singapore stations will be history's first F1 Grand Prix at night. While we to usher in the first F1 race at night.
This city will be September 28, 2008 using the most advanced technology to host F1 Championship. Use of the car market in the development of science and technology with each passing day, to be held in Singapore the first night-time F1 will see new breakthroughs, advanced lighting systems and digital special banner (DigiFlags) device is one of two used for the first time in Singapore F1's innovative technology, which also Singapore to become the world's most advanced one of the F1 circuit. Ferris wheel in Singapore (Singapore Flyer) High stands will be converted to a large general stands, in addition, Esplanade Road (Esplanade Drive) Coastal Arts Centre will be built outside the Connaught stands. Stands above the three-day packages are available for sale at Singapore Dollar 698 yuan, although it will not see the audience at the structures of large-screen, but will see the best of the Roubo battlefield.

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