" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


SUPER IMPORT NIGHT 2009 新加坡改装车展2009

新加坡一年一度的超级名模车展 Super Import Nights 2009 又來臨了。今天下班后我來到了车展,真系令我大开眼界.除了里面有各式各样豪华车,跑车,还有那些名不见经传的车之外那当然也少不了花样百出的美女模特。今年的漂亮模特是來自世界各地的名模包括美国、泰国、台湾的名模。车展裏面有多款日本时髦改装车和名车,也有最新的三菱Mitsubishi EVO X,日产Nissan GTR,Mazda RX-7 Infini,蓝宝基尼Lamborghini Gallardo,Audi R8 等等。。。真的很不错!

Supermodel's annual auto show in Singapore Super Import Nights 2009 has arrived. Today, after work I came to the show, it will truly eye-opener for me. In addition to which there is wide range of luxury cars, sports cars, there are those little-known outside the car and that ultimately, a dazzling variety of beautiful models. This year's model is a beautiful supermodel from around the world including the United States, Thailand, Taiwan supermodel. Inside there are a variety of trendy Japanese auto modified cars and luxury car, but also have the latest Mitsubishi Mitsubishi EVO X, Nissan, Nissan GTR, Mazda RX-7 Infini, Lamborghini Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8 and so on. . . Really nice!

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