" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


The Souvenir Of Singapore Motor Show 新加坡车展记念品

這次是我第一次参觀新加坡车展,觉得很開心还买了些记念品留给自己作留念和收藏。這些记念品是参展产品的HKS衣服還有其它日本品质名牌衣服,新加坡车展记念品,漂亮名模钥匙链,跑车张贴和" TEIN "品牌的代言娃娃玩偶“Dampachi”!!!它是我最愛的记念品,它的特征有大大的眼睛和绿色的身体,身后背着一个4维空间外置容樽!我把這些记念品拍下给大家一起欣赏。。。

This is my first visit to Singapore Motor Show are very happy also bought some souvenir items left to make their own souvenir and collection. The souvenir is a product of the HKS exhibitors there are other Japanese quality and name brand clothes, clothing, auto show in Singapore souvenir products, beautiful supermodel key chains, sports car posting and "TEIN" brand endorsement dolls "Dampachi"! ! ! It is my favorite souvenir, which features a big green eyes and the body behind the carrying capacity of a four-dimensional space external bottle! I photographed these souvenir items for everyone to enjoy together. . .

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