Tokyo Auto Salon之后,它是世界上最大型的汽车展。今年新加坡主办首届亚洲汽车零配件展商会将聚集来自新加坡,澳大利亚,日本,台湾,中国和马来西亚最具知名功能和性能的汽车配件品牌厂商参与展览活动.我當難不會错過這次的展览活动,今天下班后我來到新加坡博览中心。買了一張$15入场券包括户外的漂移表演.展商会参展产品有Body Kits,刹车零件,HID和LED灯,排气和避震系统,引擎管理系统,赛车和高性能零件,以及更多。。。最令我大開眼界的是整套完整改装引擎,有Nissan GTR- RB28,Mitsubishi EVO-4G63和Subaru Impreza-EJ25 等。。。这些都是限量车款的完整改装引擎。還有我最喜欢的大品牌Fujitsubo ,Tomei, Tein与 LB Performance等。。。我觉得這次的參觀很不錯,應該可以满足大家不同的需求和欲望!
Following the Tokyo Auto Salon, after the world's largest custom auto show. Singapore hosted the inaugural Asian Auto Parts and exhibitors will be gathered from Singapore, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, China and Malaysia's most well-known features and performance auto parts brand manufacturers to participate in the exhibition. I became hard not to miss this exhibition Today, after work I went to Singapore Expo. Bought a $ 15 ticket includes the drift of outdoor performances. Exhibitors will be participating products Body Kits, brake parts, HID, and LED lights, exhaust and shock absorbers, engine management systems, car and high-performance parts, and more more. . . I was most eye-opener for the set of complete conversion engine Nissan GTR-RB28, Mitsubishi EVO-4G63 and the Subaru Impreza-EJ25 so. . . These are limited edition models of the complete conversion engine. There are my favorite brands Fujitsubo, Tomei, Tein and LB Performance and so on. . . I think this tour should be very good to meet different needs and desires you!
這次是我第一次参觀新加坡车展,觉得很開心还买了些记念品留给自己作留念和收藏。這些记念品是参展产品的HKS衣服還有其它日本品质名牌衣服,新加坡车展记念品,漂亮名模钥匙链,跑车张贴和" TEIN "品牌的代言娃娃玩偶“Dampachi”!!!它是我最愛的记念品,它的特征有大大的眼睛和绿色的身体,身后背着一个4维空间外置容樽!我把這些记念品拍下给大家一起欣赏。。。
This is my first visit to Singapore Motor Show are very happy also bought some souvenir items left to make their own souvenir and collection. The souvenir is a product of the HKS exhibitors there are other Japanese quality and name brand clothes, clothing, auto show in Singapore souvenir products, beautiful supermodel key chains, sports car posting and "TEIN" brand endorsement dolls "Dampachi"! ! ! It is my favorite souvenir, which features a big green eyes and the body behind the carrying capacity of a four-dimensional space external bottle! I photographed these souvenir items for everyone to enjoy together. . .

新加坡一年一度的超级名模车展 Super Import Nights 2009 又來臨了。今天下班后我來到了车展,真系令我大开眼界.除了里面有各式各样豪华车,跑车,还有那些名不见经传的车之外那当然也少不了花样百出的美女模特。今年的漂亮模特是來自世界各地的名模包括美国、泰国、台湾的名模。车展裏面有多款日本时髦改装车和名车,也有最新的三菱Mitsubishi EVO X,日产Nissan GTR,Mazda RX-7 Infini,蓝宝基尼Lamborghini Gallardo,Audi R8 等等。。。真的很不错!
Supermodel's annual auto show in Singapore Super Import Nights 2009 has arrived. Today, after work I came to the show, it will truly eye-opener for me. In addition to which there is wide range of luxury cars, sports cars, there are those little-known outside the car and that ultimately, a dazzling variety of beautiful models. This year's model is a beautiful supermodel from around the world including the United States, Thailand, Taiwan supermodel. Inside there are a variety of trendy Japanese auto modified cars and luxury car, but also have the latest Mitsubishi Mitsubishi EVO X, Nissan, Nissan GTR, Mazda RX-7 Infini, Lamborghini Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8 and so on. . . Really nice!
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