" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


I Have A Lovely Little Dog 我有一只可爱的小狗

它名叫 <小黑> 它有些顽皮,有些可爱,更有些胆怯有时孤单,有时烦恼,有时快乐,便是它与我分享。笨笨的,蠢蠢的,让你不禁对它怜爱!


It called "blackly" it some naughty, some cute, some timid sometimes lonely, sometimes trouble, sometimes happy, that is, and I share it. Ben Ben, stupid stupid, so that you can not help it love!

My dog is very direct, like the on tail Ba, and do not like to send a voice scare you, you want to eat is directed at the on, it is very simple, it has been my most sincere love, I see it as I In the care of relatives, it would be very anxious sick I will not do, and I think that it is closely linked to me, it would not lost many, I can not imagine! Hee hee ......

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