" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


I Feel The Way Forward Is Very Confused 我对自己的未来的路很迷茫

过去的几个月总是在我脑海里不断的出现,我疲于应付。现在想想,以前真的不堪回首,我不要再像以前一样生活,我要一个新的自我,从新开始。有一句话很想问问自己 “我现在从新开始会迟吗?”

I feel their future a while confused, I do not know how to go, I know that my future path will be very difficult, but I also want a strong path. My heart has been in the past that they are strong, Can swap alone to deal with all problems encountered by, when the storms come true when they found out that life is so fragile. Really good hard, my life was plagued by despair, all around the sample has changed, the only way to do is to escape, I am afraid. . . said the truth, do not know whether insist, can pretty complete this work.
In the past few months I always keep in mind, I am struggling to cope with. Now think about it before really, I will not like before, like life, I have to a new self, new start. There is a saying like to ask ourselves, "I will now re-started late this» "

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