" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


The world has Mermaid 世界上有美人鱼吗



1962年曾发生过一起科学家活捉小人鱼的事件。英国的《太阳报》,中国哈尔滨点击查看哈尔滨及更多城市天气预报的《新晚报》及其它许多家报刊对 此事进行了报道。前苏联列宁科学院维诺葛雷德博士讲述了经过和一艘载有科学家和军事专家的探测船,在古巴外海捕获一个能讲人语的小孩,皮肤呈鳞状,有鳃, 头似人,尾似鱼。小人鱼称自己来自亚特兰蒂斯市,还告诉研究人员在几百万年前,亚特兰蒂斯大陆横跨非洲和南美,后来沉入海底……现在留存下来的人居于海 底,寿命达300岁。后来小人鱼被送往黑海一处秘密研究机构里,供科学家们深入研究。




1990年4月《文汇报》有这样一则报道:一些科学家正在竭力设法找到这一当今考古学最惊人的发现,一个3000年前美人鱼的木乃伊遗体的由来。 一队建筑工人,在索契城外的黑海岸边附近的一个放置宝物的坟墓里,发现了这一难以相信的生物。这一发现的消息是由苏联考古学家耶里米亚博士在最近透露给西 方的。她看起来像一个美丽的黑皮肤公主,下面有一条鱼尾巴。这一惊人的生物从头顶到带鳞的尾巴,计长有173厘米。科学家相信她死时约有100多岁的年 龄。

1991年7月2日,新加坡《联合日报》发表了题为《南斯拉夫海岸发现1.2万年前美人鱼化石》的报道:科学家们最近发掘到世界首具完整的美人鱼 化石,证实了这种以往只在童话中出现的动物,的确曾在真实世界里存在过。化石是在南斯拉夫海岸发现的。化石保存得很完整,能够清楚见到这种动物拥有锋利的 牙齿,还有强壮的双颚,足以撕肉碎骨,将猎物杀死。“这只动物是雌性的。大概1.2万年前在附近海岸出现。”柏列·奥干尼博士说。奥干尼博士是一名来自美 国加州的考古学家,在美人鱼出现的海域工作了4年。奥干尼博士说:“它在一次水底山泥倾泻时活埋,然后被周围的石灰石所保护,而慢慢转为化石。化石显示, 美人鱼高160厘米,腰部以上像人类,头部发达,脑体积相当大,双手有利爪,眼睛跟其他鱼类一样,无有眼帘。

1938, people in Estonia to check and found that "Ham", flat beak, a round head, quickly jumped into the Baltic Sea Lane. Such as "Mermaid" singularity of such seabed because of the existence of physical evidence, it also people from the so-called "absurd" and "superstition" and "myth" of things into a serious scientific research at present the subject.

1958, the U.S. National Institute of Ocean Dr. Tan, five kilometers deep in the Atlantic seabed, some perturbation similar to the footprints of the seabed.

1962 has happened with small Mermaid scientists captured the incident. Britain's "Sun", China's Harbin and Harbin Click for more cities Weather Forecast "New Evening News" and many other family newspaper carried a report on the matter.《维诺葛雷德》the former Soviet Union Lenin Academy of Sciences and the Dr. on the one containing the scientists and military experts of the probe, caught off Cuba in a language people speak of the children, squamous skin, gills, like the first, Mei like fish. Small said he came from Atlantis Mermaid City, also told researchers at several millions of years ago, Atlantis across the continent of Africa and South America, was sunk…… now retired from the people living in the sea, life 300-year-old. Later, on the Black Sea Mermaid was rushed to a secret research institutions, for scientists in-depth study.

1963, in Puerto Rico southeast , the U.S. Navy submarine exercises, they found a strange vessels, speed of 280 km, is not able to track human modern technology unmatched.

1968, the United States photographers , the submarine was found near monster, face, neck four times longer than people, like the eyes of people but is much greater, the legs quickly, "propeller."

1980 August 24, reported: Recently, in the Red Sea coast of Park found a miracle - Mermaid. Mermaid fish such as the shape of upper body, lower body as the woman's body ---- as long as a person with two legs and 10 toes. Unfortunately, it was found dead. …… Live on the Mermaid also found some.

1990 April, "Wen Wei Po" of such a report: Some scientists are struggling to try to find the most surprising in today's archaeological discovery of a mermaid in 3000 before the origin of the remains of mummies. A team of construction workers, outside the city of Sochi on the Black Sea coast near a place treasures in the tomb, found this hard to believe the biological. This information is found by archaeologists the Soviet Union in the recently revealed to the West. She looks like a beautiful black-skinned princess, the following is a fish tail. This amazing biological scales from head to tail with, including a 173 cm long. Scientists believe she died at about more than 100 years of age.

1991 July 2,Singapore's "United Daily News" published an article entitled "Yu that 1.2 million years ago mermaid fossils" of the report: Scientists have recently discovered the world's first to complete a mermaid fossils, confirmed this past Only in fairy tales of the animals, did exist in the real world, too. Fossils found in the Yugoslav coast. Very complete fossil preservation, can clearly see that animals have sharp teeth, there are strong double-jaw, enough to tear the meat fragments will kill prey. "The only animal is female. About 1.2goslav coast found million years ago in the nearby coast there." Parkinson Leo stem said. Austrian stem is a California archaeologist from the United States, in the Mermaid of the sea for four years. Austrian stem said: "It's in an underwater landslide buried alive, and then be protected by the surrounding limestone, and slowly into fossils. Fossils, Mermaid 160 cm high, above the waist like human beings, the head developed, Brain size is large, there hands, eyes, like other fish, there are no eye.

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