" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


We Play To Ipoh Cave 我们到怡保名山洞游玩

怡保有三多:美女多、柚子多和山洞多!这个地方也是出了名的美 食天堂。这次郊游,我以不再用工作的“奴隶”的心情,来缓释积压太久的疲惫、是我久已奢侈的想往。清晨,我们乘车怡保名山洞游玩。十几年前崎岖的小路,现在已经是坦途大道,一路望去,以及其他的垃圾不复存在,映入眼帘,汽车虽飞驰而过,窗外景色犹如巨幅宽荧幕一般,展现在我们的面前,望着窗外的景色,我不禁心中惊呼:好一派田园风光! 到山洞游玩去,找一个适合自己心境的地方,做一次短暂的旅行,可以说是一个精巧的院落、或是质朴远古般的旷野,再或是在那对面闻声不见人的山洞里去体验、去享受那悠然的、脱俗的浪漫,去放飞自己的心灵!

Ipoh is more than three: beauty, Citron many caves and more! This is also a place of the U.S. Fresh paradise. The outing, I will no longer use the "slaves" of the heart, too long to release the backlog of tired, I would like to luxury long. Early in the morning, we travel from Ipoh cave play. More than 10 years ago rugged road, the road is now clear for everyone, all the way If viewed, and other junk no longer exist, although the car and speeding off, like a window view of the huge general, in the show Front of us, watching the scenery outside, I can not help heart cried out in alarm: Good faction idyllic scenery! To the caves to play, finding a place suitable for their own state of mind, to do a short trip, can be said to be a sophisticated compound, or simply as the ancient wilderness, and then in the opposite or not the orchard where experience , To enjoy the leisurely and refined the romantic, to fly their own souls!

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