" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


I And F1 The Recent Contacts 我和F1最近的接触

F1赛车是世界上最昂贵、速度最快、科技含量最高的运动。包含了以空气动力学为主,加上无线电通讯、电气工程等世界上最先进的技术。很多新的科技都是在 F1上得以最初的实践的。F1大赛每年都要选择地理条件迥然不同的赛场进行比赛。他们有的现在高原上,那里空气稀薄,用以考验车手的身体素质;有的则是街道组成的赛道,那里路面相对狭窄曲折,车手操作不当就会撞车;有的赛车场就显得路面宽阔,但也有上下坡考验车手的技术;还有的赛车场建在树木葱郁的森林中,那里跑道起伏大,车手很难控制赛车。

F1 racing is the world's most expensive, fastest, highest scientific and technological content of the campaign. Contains mainly to the aerodynamics, and radio communications, electrical engineering, and so the world's most advanced technology. Many new technologies are in F1 to be on the first practice. F1 Championship every year choose geographical conditions very different from the stadium the game. Some of them now on the plateau, where thin air, the test driver for the physical fitness; Some streets are composed of the track, where a relatively narrow road twists and turns, drivers will be improper operation of the crash; some of the car market is on the road Wide, but also on the downhill test driver technologies; have built the car market in the lush trees in the forest, where the runway ups and downs, difficult to control the car driver.

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