" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


I reached the singapore . .我到达了新加坡。。。

今天我坐在orchard road的石蹬老半天了, 有人诳街, 有人拍照, 有人有说有笑, 他们的走来走去给我的感觉很自由自在。。。 回想我已经离家第八天了, 一直以来都没有到过外面工作。。这也是我一生中很大的挑战。。现在发现在外面工作原来是这么困难的。。我居住的地方环境很好, 在这个家庭里面有六位成员,我就是第七位。嘻!我在这个家庭相处的很开心, 他们个个对我很好。请我吃很多东西。目前我已经面试了大约十份工作, 已经作了份工作, 一份是不说工钱只说做, 另一份是谈了工钱又说我功夫不是很好,只有PMR要降低我工钱。。。明明谈好了又一时一样。。我很想念妈妈和珊珊,我很想家。。。。。

Today, I sat in the orchard road-tread of the Lao Bantian someone Kuang Street Some people take pictures, they walked to my going to feel free. . . In retrospect I have been away from home since the eighth day did not have been to work outside of my life this is the great challenge now found outside the original work is so difficult. I live in a good environment where there are six family members is my seventh place! I live in this family is very happy they please everyone treated me well, I eat a lot of things. Now I have about 10 interviews have been made in a work that is not only that wages do another one is to discuss the I also said that wages are not good only PMR effort to reduce the wages I obviously discuss another time, like I am missing my mother and I very missing my lover San San . . . . .


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