" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


Meditation Can Be Treated Phobia 坐禅可以治疗恐怖症

据统计,在人们遇到偶发事件或不幸事件时95%以上的人都会情绪波动,其中约有一半人会产生恐惧感和焦虑感。而在这种场合能保持镇定自若的人还不足5%。然而,恐惧感与焦虑感和恐怖症是毫不相干的。所谓“恐怖症”,就是人们在并无真实情况下的一种不能克制的突如其来的恐慌,其典型的症状是心悸、胸闷、气促、手心出汗、两腿发软和头昏目眩千奇百怪的恐怖症。 在印度,瑜伽疗法是一种对精神病症治疗相当见效的疗法。在泰国,“坐禅”疗法对恐怖症之类的精神病症也非常有效。但是最神奇的还要推中国的气功治疗法,它对恐怖症的治疗比前两者见效更快。可惜的是在西方知道的人并不多。当有人问一位泰国有着60多年“坐禅”功夫的老方丈为什么“坐禅”能治精神病时,他的回答很简单“安静——摆脱——放松”。

According to statistics the people encountered sporadic incidents or unfortunate incident when more than 95 percent of people will mood fluctuations of which about half will be generated fear and anxiety in such occasions to remain calm composed of less than five percent, however fear And the sense of anxiety and phobia is irrelevant. The so-called "phobia" is that people in the absence of a real case can not be restrained sudden panic is the typical symptoms of chest tightness shortness of breath palpitation palms sweating, dizziness and legs dizzying variety of phobia. In India, yoga therapy is a treatment for mental illness treatment is effective. In Thailand, "meditation" on phobia treatment, such as mental illness is also very effective, but the most magical to push China's treatment of its phobia treatment faster than the previous two results is a pity that in the West know Not many people. When someone asked Thailand has more than 60 years a "meditation" Kung Fu old abbot why "meditation" mental illness, he can rule the answer is very simple "quiet - out of - relax."

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