我用了三个月的时间,最终档口“头手”岗位,由我来承担,我的工作岗位是整个部门比其它分档口唯一最高和稳定的收入档口之一!所以我不能出错,在我的工作上我会尽心尽力。我的核心要素;敬业精神,责任心,原则性 ,用人及授权能力。我认为“认真做事只能把事做对,用心做事才能把事做好”这份工作,也改变了我很多所经历的酸甜苦辣,知足,感恩,成长,其实这也是快乐的时光,我一定要好好珍惜。。。
I spent the final three months stalls "cook" jobs for me to bear, my job is a whole other sub-sector must be further than the highest and the only stable source of revenue, one stall! So I am not in a wrong in my work I will try our best. I have the core elements of: professionalism, sense of responsibility, in principle, the capacity of personnel and authorized. I think that "serious work to do only the right, hard work can do a good job done" the job has also changed me a lot of ups and downs experienced, contentment, gratitude, growth, in fact, this is the happiest time I have to cherish .
" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "
I Am A "Cook" 我已是档口“头手”了
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