" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "


Dreams 梦中情人

Ning always dreamed recently with a dream, dreams of a man said to her: "you just, you just came to me, I am waiting for you ....."
Finally, Ning could not, therefore asked him: "Who are you? How can I find you?" A man said: "Tomorrow 12:00
Xx Park in front of the station platform came to me, I have here a mole. "Men with their hands pointing to their own chin. Wake up, Ning
Rush to find their own friends and to tell all the friends, friends agreed to accompany her to. 11:55 two
In the areas of agreement, but not men, the hot weather, the friend Ning said: "a little, I bought two ice-cream to the opposite
, And you are here waiting for me. "Finish-to the street. At such a time, a car-up to Yiqingcanjiao friends ......
See a run-up has been inverted in a pool of blood. When preparing to open the door-to the hospital, which is only found a hearse,
The car lying in a glass coffin men, a man's chin is a mole ..... friends Guangran, look at what we watch
, The time is now 12:00 whole. Re-breathing Tantan, has been stopped.

在xx公园门口的站台上来找我,我这里有一颗痣."男人用手指着自己的下巴. 醒来,宁
在约定的地方等,却不见男人来,天气炎热,宁对好友说:"太热了,我到对面买两支 雪糕
,你在这里等我."说完宁过街去了. 就在这时,一辆车子冲了过来,一声惨叫......好友
,现在的时间是12点整.再探探宁的呼吸 ,已经停止了.

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