Newspaper today to see a 4-year-old girl "Charmaine" was told in February this year, suffering from a rare section 4 neuroblastoma (神经母细胞瘤). Charmaine by the end of February in the first chemotherapy, and in the next three months before and after chemotherapy by 3 times.
Small face of a strong Charmaine disease, but also told his mother: "Even if I am not afraid of pain!" To see reports of a Charmaine really tears my heart to see her in the fourth stage is now working hard. Such a sweet and happy little girl has accepted so much pain and suffering, I was deeply saddened.
Charmaine, you know you are not alone, I will continue to pray for you, and I believe that you will bravely fighting in the end and will be up as soon as possible...

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