时间过得真快,转眼间,那个经常跟我吵架的妹妹已经二十九而立了,虽没有珍贵的礼物, 虽没有五彩的鲜花, 也没有华丽的词澡, 仅用这只言片语, 借网络这个纽带,祝你天天开心,心想事成,越来越漂亮越来越幸福!也愿你一切努力和付出,都能收获应得的果实。 送上我心意,希望妹妹笑纳。。妹妹!最后,再次祝你生日快乐。。。
How time flies. Blink of an eye that often quarrel with my sister has 29 standing, and was not precious gifts, flowers, although not colorful, flowery words and no bath, only this few words, by the ties of the network, I wish you happy every day would like to do more and more happiness as more and more beautiful! You would also like to be able to pay all the hard work and deserve the fruits of harvest. Finally her sister once again Happy birthday to you. . .
" 虽然明天不一定会更好,但更好的明天一定会到来,大家加油 "
Happy Birthday My Sister 妹妹生日快乐
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